Geek Squad Mri Software

This is the Best Buy geek squad repair disc - Code Name MRI - for internal use only, confidential, and a trade secret. The disc has tools to help fix computers - it.

Best Answer: technically this info is supposed to be classified and top secret, im not kidding. Anyone known to possess and use a MRI cd without express permission from bestbuy could be subject to legal action. BUT the MRI is a bundle of software exe's that the geek squad 'agents' run on your comp to fix pretty much all software issues except for installs and restores. It also has programs like Western Digital and Hitachi DFT's (Drive fitness tests) used to daignose hard drive errors. It contains other such programs to help diagnose hardware flaws on a bootable cpu.

Typically a 'highly qualified agent' will put in the cd, it will autorun, they will click next, and walk away while the MRI system does everything for them. This is one main reason why people complain that the guys behind the counter are useless. They are, for the most part. Most of the intelligent ones are supervisors, or double agents, you need not be certified to work behind the counter, but you need to be certified to be in charge, and to go out to houses.

Also 'genuine' MRI cds can be sold (supposedly) for almost 5000 dollars. (US) Most agents have a 'Burnt' copy, legit copies are normally held by the precinct sup or senior.

BUT MRIs are updated atleast twice a year, so an older version is less profitable then a newer I have heard. Hope that shed some light. Tell us some more. Upload in Progress. Upload failed.

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Geek Squad Mri Software

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My friend sent his computer to best buy to get a software problem fixed and they couldn't fix it, so he gave the computer to my brother to fix and he fixed it. My brother told me that the 'dumb.' s at Geek Squad left there MRI Cd in his computer' this was like a month ago. My friend sent his computer to best buy to get a software problem fixed and they couldn't fix it, so he gave the computer to my brother to fix and he fixed it. My brother told me that the 'dumb.'

s at Geek Squad left there MRI Cd in his computer' this was like a month ago. Recently i went into his room and he had a program running on a computer with the geek squad logo on it. I asked him if he didn't return the cd and he said 'I got the iso off then cracked the security on it and returned the original' whatever that means. Anyways my question is that my brother uses that program to fix a lot of peoples computers for free. Is this illegal?

What should i do? Because i asked him if it was illegal and he just said something like 'Doesn't matter if its legal, it matters if its ethical. Geek Squad charges outrageous for services that require no talent or skill set to use. Its that ethical?' Part of me doesn't want to say anything but idk.

Best Answer: This has got to be one of the most interesting questions I've ever seen online. It is illegal and unethical for your brother to use the MRI CD, as that is software that is owned (or possibly leased) by Geek Squad. I've got mixed feelings about the fact that your brother is using it though. First, I don't see this as such a 'big deal', even though it's illegal. No 'software' can diagnose a system better than a formally educated and experienced IT professional. You know, the kind of computer experts who do NOT work at Best Buy.

So if someone has a good level of computer knowledge, they'd probably find the MRI CD to be about as useful as Microsoft Bob. For those who don't get that joke: I'd be surprised if your brother finds real value in using the MRI CD. I suspect he's doing it not to profit or use it as a 'shortcut' or anything. I suspect his motive is more along the lines of he's doing something just for the thrill of knowing it's forbidden. He's doing it just because well, it's THERE.:) Who wouldn't be curious if a computer came from Best Buy with some kind of 'top secret' software disk in it?

I probably would have cracked it too, just for curiosity sake. Now, you are wondering about the possibility of your brother using the MRI CD to fix a lot of peoples computers for free, and if that's illegal? I think the best answer to that question is NO!!! As a formally trained IT professional with decades of experience servicing computers of all types, I can tell you beyond any doubt that the MRI CD alone will not enable your brother to fix a lot of peoples computers for free. Football games you can.

Either your brother has the level of knowledge needed to fix computers, or he doesn't. The MRI CD is not going to enable your brother to do something that he isn't otherwise able to do. Or another way to put it.if your brother had the ability to profit from fixing computers, the use of the MRI CD would not increase the profits from your brother fixing computers.

Also keep in mind that if people are bringing their computers to your brother to be fixed, they probably WOULD NOT be inclined to bring those computers to Best Buy anyway. Your brother using the MRI CD: Is illegal Is unethical Is not a big deal at all. Yeah, I know that sounds like a contradiction, but it's not. The number of computers your brother fixes is going to be X number of computers.

Geek Squad Mri Torrent

With or without the MRI CD. The value in the MRI CD is not the CD itself, but in the knowledge of how to use it. If you have that knowledge, YOU DO NOT NEED THE CD. I'd advise you to let the matter drop. While it's illegal and unethical, there is no victim. At worst, I would say your brother has too much time on his hands. On a side note, it doesn't surprise me that Geek Squad wasn't able to repair your friend's system.

Latest Geek Squad Mri Software

If Geek Squad is relying on crutches like this MRI CD, that implies that Geek Squad employees are not even minimally competent to fix computers. To anyone with real computer knowledge, the MRI CD would be nothing more than a quaint curiosity at best.and a total waste of time at worst. For the best answers, search on this site There are instructions right on the CD that ask you to bring it in, but you can also destroy it. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited (also, this is right on the boot menu of the CD and in the license agreement). It contains much licensed software and even The Geek Squad's own home grown software. It also has dial-home capabilities, and will time out rendering it useless in several months.

The correct and legal answer is to either return it to any Best Buy or Geek Squad location, or destroy or discard it. It should also be noted that the CD does in fact have the capability to destroy data - there are specific parts of the CD that do that intentionally. Also, certain applications are capable of doing that accidentally. It was not made with the beginner in mind.

In case you're curious about what it does, it's a compendium of just about every diagnostic tool on the market that works reliably, along with pretty much any useful software repair utility, and some miscelaneous other tools. Tell us some more. Upload in Progress. Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels. We are experiencing some problems, please try again. You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG.

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