How Do I Reinstall Google Earth

I was trying to perform the the fix found at this link It requires you to delete certain files from the /opt/google/earth/free folder and then add some new ones that you download. I deleted the files but the links to download the new ones were unusable. I was using gksudo nautilus so trash was disabled meaning I could not restore the files I had deleted. I the tried to go to the Google Earth website and reinstall it.

I downloaded the.deb but when I tried to install it it gav me an error message saying 'cannot install ia32-libs' I tried installing this via terminal and it gave me an error message saying chad@chad-Lenovo-G570:$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs sudo password for chad: Reading package lists. Done Building dependency tree Reading state information.

Hi, I have renewed my license recently but somehow I couldn't browse it when I type location and search so I did uninstall the program and try to reinstall. Uninstalling Google Earth from your computer by using the Uninstall Programs feature may not remove all of Google Earth's files. In order to remove all the files you.

Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: ia32-libs: Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. Now I am stuck without a functioning Google Earth. How can I fix this?

I'm going to skip bashing you for allowing some random clueless guy on a random website to tell you what files to delete from your machine. I think you already get the idea. If you did not download ANY files from their website, chances are you haven't compromised your OS installation yet. Otherwise all bets are off and you should reinstall your machine, no exceptions if you want to be safe, that is. Reinstall packages you broke by deleting their parts earlier First of all - you need to reinstall the packages files from which you have deleted. You can do this by verifying your packages with debsums: sudo debsums -c It's going to take some time.

How do i install google earth

This is its output after I've manually removed /usr/bin/zipnote that belonged to the zip package. $ sudo debsums -c /usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache debsums: no md5sums for libaudio2 /var/lib/nvidia-common/lastgfxboot debsums: missing file /usr/bin/zipnote (from zip package) You can see the /usr/bin/zipnote as a missing file. Nfs most wanted control panel.


You can also see /var/lib/nvidia-common/lastgfxboot file which has a different checksum. You could choose to reinstall the relevant packages just to be safe. You can find out which package owns that file by running: $ dpkg -S /var/lib/nvidia-common/lastgfxboot nvidia-common: /var/lib/nvidia-common/lastgfxboot Then after you get the list of packages that you need to reinstall run: sudo apt-get install -reinstall package1 package2 packageN Fix ia32-libs First verify the state of this package. It can be removed but there can be some parts of it left. Run: dpkg -l ia32-libs if it's anything other than un ia32-libs (no description available) run: sudo dpkg -purge ia32-libs sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade #(optional but strongly recommended) sudo apt-get install ia32-libs And finally download and install Google Earth: wget sudo dpkg -i google-earth-stablecurrentamd64.deb.