Mods For Wot

  1. A brand new paid mod for arty was released, It makes the unbalanced artillery even more overpowered.
  2. Better modification (mods) for the game World of Tanks.

Here you can find all mods and modpacks for popular game World of Tanks 9.19.1.

World of Tanks is a game that has many different mods. Most mods do nothing more but make your game look pretty, but some can actually help you win by providing you with critical information. Here are some of the best mods for World of Tanks.

Best Mods For World Of Tanks

Posts (Atom). XVM XVM stands for Extended Visualization Mod. It’s best known for displaying player stats during battles.

As one could likely imagine, this is an extremely useful feature. It allows you to. Gauge threats and prioritize targets. (if there’s a unicum on the enemy team in the middle of a sea of baddies, it’s probably a good idea to take him out first). Can give you an idea of who on your team is reliable or unreliable. Can even tell you whether an enemy is mounting their top turret (and is thus able to mount their top gun) or not. It can also make the game look and feel bit better, with customizable Sixth Sense icons, overtarget markers, clan logos, damage tracking, and a better service record The mod can be set up manually by editing the config files, or through pre-made configurations.

The most important of the mod, however, is the minimap. The picture above is from Aslain’s XVM Mod, XVM can add several things to the minimap, which can also be expanded. It can add tank names or player names with icons, lines for your draw distance, hull direction, traverse limits, and many more. Separate view range circles can be set up for each tank, this lets you know how far your tank is theoretically capable of spotting. The addition of a draw distance box is also helpful, letting you know how much more you have to move before you can take a shot. Most importantly, it is capable of displaying the last-known position of an enemy tank, taking a huge load off a player’s already-taxed memory.

The mod can also show the current status of each enemy tank, be it spotted, not spotted, or spotted previously. (taken from my XVM config, available below) This makes it easier to do a mental count of which tanks have been spotted and which could potentially be defending a flank, allowing you to quickly and easily calculate the risk involved in pushing. Minimap Mods Other mods are similar to XVM. Locastan’s HD Minimap (below) has many of the same functions, and also adds HD minimaps that look better than the regular ones and different icons for high tier tanks. This mod is useful for those who want minimaps without the rest of XVM, or for HD minimaps.

Crosshair Mods Crosshair mods can supply you with important information such as your target’s information, and your gun traverse angle. J1mB0’s Crosshair Mod was the most popular before the reload timer was added (and likely still is). It has an inner circle to help with aiming and traverse angle markers. MeltyMap’s MathMod, my personal favorite, adds even more information. It has a fancy crosshair and traverse limits, plus a mini-map mod, zoom mod, and no scroll mod, all optional. It’s most unique feature is including a gauge to show your effective armor relative to the angle you’re aiming your gun.

This can help you angle as effectively as possible, although it doesn’t work for all tanks. The crosshair itself is quite complicated because of all the information crammed into it. One of the most interesting ones is the camo rating gauge, which appears at closer ranges and tells you whether you camo rating is sufficient to remain hidden. This can help you determine whether you have been spotted. The other is the penetration indicator, which tells you your penetration compared to your target’s armor thickness at the specific point you’re aiming for, in addition to the standard red/yellow/green indicator. It even includes an indicator to show what angle the enemy tank will need to bounce your shell. Deegie’s Sights is another crosshair mod similar to MeltyMap’s with tons of information, but I dislike it because it seems too cluttered, and I was unable to find an updated official download page.

Mods For Wot Common Test

Contour Icons Contour icons are the tank icons seen on the player panel, and can also be modded. The most information-packed one is probably POGS/GREPA’s/Oxmaster’s Contour Icons, it’s so complex, I’ll let the creators’ image explain it rather than attempting to do so myself: The icons also come in several slightly different versions. Personally, I found these too cluttered and hard to read to be useful, but some people love them. If you want something simpler, like I did, you can get something like Misfire’s Colored Contour Icons, which are, of course, mine.

They’re much simpler and show the tank’s default icon, with a name and colored background to show its class. If you don’t like either of these, there are tons of contour icon mods out there, and most of them are good. Textures Some mods work by changing the game’s textures.

One of these is the White Death mod, which paints destroyed tanks white to make it easier to distinguish them from live tanks. This can help you aim at a live tank using a wreck for cover. Another category of texture mods is that of Compressed Texture mods, which are usually only useful for people playing on slow computers.

Compressed textures make the game uglier, but increase your frame rate by decreasing the size of the texture files, reducing the amount the game has to load. One of the more controversial skin mods are Hitskins, which show weakpoints, modules, and crew locations. There’s a variety of them which show different points or showing them in a different way. Personally, I don’t see the point, most of what they show can be easily figured out anyway.

Wot mod packs self installing

Be warned, though, as some players consider them to be cheating. Miscellaneous An unmentioned category of useful mods is zoom mods. These either allow you to zoom out further for a better view or in further to help with long range shots. MeltyMap’s MathMod includes this, and a no scroll mod, along with an accurate damage indicator like the other mods described below, but these can also be downloaded separately.

No scroll mods are simple: they change your settings so that the mouse wheel will not scroll between arcade view and sniper view. It’s a small tweak, but it can make the game much more comfortable if you prefer that change. Some prefer the default configuration, of course, that doesn’t require a mod. The accurate damage indicator is another simple yet highly useful mod that makes the damage indicator more accurate by adding a precise arrow to replace the default red glow, which also lingers, staying pointed at the direction of the shot for several seconds, other mods also display the time since the shot hit you, and whether it was a penetration. Still other mods replace the default sixth sense icon, or more usefully, add a sound to it to make it harder to miss. I prefer one with the Metal Gear Solid exclamation mark and sound effect, but there are plenty of others out there, so it’s quite possible to find one that suits you. Just one more: the tank info panel mod adds an info panel (who would have thought) that shows the stats of the enemy tank you’re aiming.

I’m not a fan because I find it too cluttered and distracting. As you can see, the list of options available to those who want to mod their game is gigantic. There are tons of useful mods that didn’t get mentioned for space reasons or similarity to another mod that was described. Mods that don’t provide a gameplay advantage, like tank skins, aren’t even mentioned here, but there are even more of them.

I can’t possibly give you a link to all of them, but if you’re reading this, you’re probably lucky enough to have access to a neat little thing called the internet. If you’re interested in finding a mod, go to Google, the World of Tanks forums, (a popular mod hosting site), or something similar and see what you can dig up!