Download Eurotherm 815s Manual

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. 3216i, 32h8i, 3204i User Manual 3200i Range Process Indicators and Alarm Units HA029006/5 Sept 2012. The information in this document is given in good faith, but is intended for guidance only.

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Eurotherm Limited will accept no responsibility for any losses arising from errors in this document. Outputs - 1/8 and 1/4 DIN Indicators.10 2.6.1 Output 1 & Output 4 (AA Relay). 10 2.6.2 Output 3 Retransmission (Output 2 3216i).10 2.6.3 Transmitter Supply.10 2.6.4 Digital Inputs A and B.11 2.6.5. PV Input Scaling.33 Input/Output Channels. 34 Output Channel 1 (OP-1) - 32h8i and 3204i Indicators.34 Input/Output Channel 1 (I/O-1) - 3216i Indicator.35 Output Channel 2 (OP-2) - 3216i Indicator.36 8.3.1 Sense.37 8.3.2. 3200i Series Indicators Calibration. 57 13.1 To Check Input Calibration.57 13.1.1 Precautions.

57 13.1.2 To Check mV Input Calibration.57 13.1.3 To Check Thermocouple Input Calibration.57 13.1.4 To Check RTD Input Calibration.58 13.2 Offsets. Issue 2 applies to software version 1.03 and contains the following changes:- Load cell and shunt calibration explained in more detail.

Separate ‘Set 2’ codes for 32h8i/3204i and 3216i for clarity Add note on sensor break for transducers Add note on FM and DIN3440 indicators. 3200i Series Indicators Installation and Basic Operation Dimensions Front Views Thank you for choosing this 3200i series Process Model 3216i Models 32h8i Indicator. Latching These are available as:- ears 48mm Model Size Inputs Outputs (1.89in) 3216i 1/16 Thermocouple 1 – Relay, Logic. Peel off the protective cover from the display 1.4.2 Panel Cut-out Sizes 45 mm Model - 0.0 + 0.6 Model 32h8i 1.77 inch 3216i -0.00, +0.02 92 mm - 0.0 + 0.8 45 mm 3.62 inch -0.00, +0.03 - 0.0 + 0.6 1.77 inch.

None 32h8i 1/8 DIN size Horizontal Relay (Form C) 0-10Vdc 3204i 1/4 DIN size mA Burden Resistor (2.49Ω, 0.1%) 6. Options 3216i, 32h8i and 3204i 2. Function None 11. Warranty Standard Unit Digital input A Standard XXXXX FM Alarm Unit RS232 &. 3200iSeries Indicators Step 2: Wiring Key to Symbols used in the wiring diagrams Logic (SSR drive) output Relay output Contact input mA analogue output Terminal Layout 32h8i Indicator Ensure that you have the correct supply for your indicator.

Check order code of the indicator supplied Output 1 (OP1) OP3 DC. 3200iSeries Indicators Terminal Layout 3216i Indicator Ensure that you have the correct supply for your indicator.

Check order code of the indicator supplied. Digital input A Input/Output 1 10V Potential divider AA relay (OP4) module Part No SUB21/IV10 Output 2 100KΩ. The resistance of the three wires must be the snubber should not be connected. The line resistance may cause errors if it exceeds 22Ω. 2.6.2 Output 3 Retransmission (Output 2 3216i) Linear mA, or mV Inputs. Isolated output 300Vac CATII. 3200iSeries Indicators 2.6.4 Digital Inputs A and B Example Wiring Diagram Digital input A is not available in 32h8i/SG and This shows 32h8i/SG connections for a strain gauge optionally available on 3216i bridge.

Dig In A Dig In B. 3200iSeries Indicators Digital Communications (Optional) 2.10 Additional Connections for 3216i Digital communications uses the Modbus protocol. Connections for the 3216i indicator are similar to the The interface may be ordered as EIA232 or EIA485 3216 indicator. Isolated 300Vac CATII. 3200iSeries Indicators Cleaning Safety and EMC Information Do not use water or water based products to clean This indicator is intended for industrial temperature labels or they will become illegible.

Isopropyl and process applications when it will meet the alcohol may be used to clean labels. A mild soap requirements of the European Directives on Safety solution may be used to clean other exterior surfaces and EMC. Conductive pollution. For general guidance refer to Eurotherm Controls EMC Installation Guide, HA025464. Electrically conductive pollution must be excluded from the cabinet in which the indicator is mounted.

See next page mmHG Linear 32h8i parameters Torr 0-10Vdc 1-5Vdc Up to 2 decimal places on 3216i and 3204i Up to 4 decimal places on 32h8i 2-10Vdc Colour change on top part of display only 0-5Vdc Part No HA029006 Issue 5.0 Sept-12. High alarm Low alarm inverted when exiting Low alarm Rate-of change from Quick Codes Rate-of change SET 2 - 3216i h L g w x IO1 and OP2 OP4 (AA Relay) Digital input A Relay or Logic Output Analogue Output. If this has been done and the Quick Code Mode is re-entered as described This appears in 3216i only and is lit when above, then the quick codes are shown with full stops output 2 is ON (e.g.

3200iSeries Indicators 4.3.1 Alarm Indication Operator Parameters in Level 1 Up to four alarms can be configured. If any alarm Operator level 1 is designed for day to day operation occurs, the red ALM beacon will flash. A scrolling of the indicator and access to these parameters is not text message will describe the source of the alarm, protected by a pass code. 3200iSeries Indicators 4.4.1 Tare Correction Operator Level 2 Tare correction is used, for example, when it is Level 2 provides access to additional parameters. It required to weigh the contents of a container but not is protected by a security code. The container itself.

3200iSeries Indicators Backscroll is achieved when you are in this list by Level 2 Parameters  pressing while holding down  As in Level 1, press to step through the list of parameters. The mnemonic of the parameter is To return to the HOME display at any time, press shown in the message centre. 3200iSeries Indicators Mnemonic Scrolling Display and description Range UNITS DISPLAY UNITS The display units are shown in the top right hand corner of the display in normal operation.

Units available are:- Kelvin none Perc No units displayed Percentage Pascals. Mpascals. Kpascals. Bar. 3200iSeries Indicators If a 6-wire load cell is used the –ve Sense should be Strain Gauge Calibration connected as shown above to the Cal 1 terminal.

The The 32h8i/SG indicator is designed to operate with +ve sense wire is not connected. Symmetrical bridge type strain gauges, nominally If the load cell is 4-wire connect Cal 1 to the –ve 350Ω. 3200iSeries Indicators 5.3.3 Shunt Calibration 5.3.4 Manual Calibration A bridge type strain gauge is connected as shown.

Remove all pressure from the transducer to Depending on the type of gauge, R may be establish a zero reference included internally or supplied as a separate item. 3200iSeries Indicators FM and Alarm Units Recipes 3200 indicators supplied to Function code FM are FM It is possible to store operating values in up to five approved. Different recipes by taking a snapshot of the current settings and storing these in a recipe number. 3200 indicators supplied to Function code DN are Examples, of typical operating parameters may be approved to EN14597. 3200iSeries Indicators Access to Further Parameters Parameters are available under different levels of security and are defined as Level 1 (Lev1), Level 2 (Lev2), Level 3 (Lev 3) and Configuration (C on f ). Level 1 has no passcode since it contains a minimal set of parameters generally sufficient to run the process on a daily basis. 3200iSeries Indicators 6.2.1 To Select Access Level 3 or Configuration Level Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes To Select Level 3 The display will pass from the current operating Lev 3 level, for example, Lev 1 to Lev 3 as the button From any display press and is held down.

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3200iSeries Indicators 6.3.3 How Parameters are Displayed Parameter lists As shown above. Whenever a parameter is selected it Parameters are organised in lists.


The top of the list is displayed as a mnemonic, of four or five characters, shows the list header only. The name of the list for example ‘A1.TYP’. Section Section Section Section Section. 32h8i/SG PV.OF A1.OF K.LOC parameters 12.2 8.1 or 8.2 8.3 and only for 3216i Section FILT.T COLD 13.5 above are repeated FILT.D PASS.C for alarms 2 to 4 CJC.TY MESG Section 10.3 Section SB.TYP. 3200iSeries Indicators Access Parameters The following table summarises the parameters available under the ACCESS list header The Access List can be selected at any time when in configuration level by holding key down for 3 seconds, then press with still held down. 3200iSeries Indicators Process Input Parameters in the input list configure the input to match your sensor. These parameters provide the following features:- Input Type and Thermocouple (TC) and 3-wire resistance thermometer (RTD) temperature detectors linearisation Linear input (-10 to +80mV) through external shunt or voltage divider, mA assumes a 2.49Ω.

3200iSeries Indicators SB.DIR SENSOR May be used, for example, Up scale. Output goes to Conf BREAK in combination with maximum DIRECTION retransmission of PV. The Down scale. Output goes to retransmitted value will minimum either go to minimum or maximum output CJC.IN Temperature measured at Read only. 3200iSeries Indicators 7.1.2 Units Kelvin none Perc No units displayed Percentage Pascals. Mpascals. Kpascals.

Bar. mbar kgcm milli Bar.

PSI. kg/sq cm. mmwg inwg mmhg mm water gauge.

inches water mm mercury. These units gauge. only appear in.

3200iSeries Indicators 7.1.3 PV Offset 7.1.4 PV Input Scaling All ranges of the indicator have been calibrated Input scaling applies to the linear mV and volts input against traceable reference standards. This means ranges only. This is set by configuring the INPUT TYPE parameter to mV or VoLt, mV has an input range of –.


3200iSeries Indicators Input/Output Channels Indicators may be ordered with relay, analogue or logic channels to provide different interfaces to plant devices. The connections for these channels is made on terminals 1 to 3.

Output Channel 1 (OP-1) - 32h8i and 3204i Indicators Output 1 is always a changeover relay in 32h8i and 3204i indicators and connected to terminals 1A, 1B and 2A. 3200iSeries Indicators Input/Output Channel 1 (I/O-1) - 3216i Indicator In the case of the 3216i channel 1 can be configured as an input or an output. For 3216i the parameters are defined in the following table:- INPUT/OUTPUT LIST 1 ‘I O -1 ’.

Output Channel 2 (OP-2) - 3216i Indicator Output 2 is only available in 3216i. It may be optionally ordered as a normally open relay or analogue output and is available on terminals 2A and 2B. If it is ordered as a relay it can be configured to operate on alarms (the same as I/O1). For an alarm output set this parameter to ‘Inv’ so that it de-energises to the alarm state.

Do This Display Additional If the module is an input (3216i channel 1 only), Notes ‘normal’ means the function is activated when the From any Scrolling display input contact is closed, and ‘inverted’. Output Channel 3 (OP-3) – 32h8i, 32h8i/SG and 3204i Indicators Output 3 is not available in 3216i. In 32h8i, 32h8i/SG and 3204i it is a 0-20mA dc output used for re-transmission of the PV and is available on terminals 3A and 3B. The way in which this output operates is determined by parameters in the OP- 3 List below:- OUTPUT LIST 3 ‘op -3’. 3200iSeries Indicators AA Relay Channel (AA) (Output 4) This is a changeover relay available in all indicators.

Connections are made to terminals AA, AB, and AC. OP4 beacon is operated from the AA relay output channel. Output AA (4) has the same functionality as OP-1 – the parameters are repeated here for clarity. 3200iSeries Indicators Digital Input Availability 32h8i 32h8i/SG 3204i 3216i Always Never Always Optional Digital Input A Digital Input B Always Always Always Never Digital Input Parameters The input is typically from a voltage free contact, which can be configured to operate a number of functions as determined by parameters in the LA and LB Lists:- LOGIC INPUT LIST ‘. 3200iSeries Indicators 10. Alarms Alarms are used to alert an operator when a pre-set level has been exceeded. They are indicated by a scrolling message on the display and the red ALM beacon.

They may also switch an output – usually a relay (see section 8.3.2) to allow external devices to be operated when an alarm occurs. For example, ‘ALARM 1 HIGH’ HIGH ALARM SETPOINT 400. Using Eurotherm iTools configuration package, it is also possible to download customised alarm PRE ALARM OFFSET 100 messages. An example might be, ‘PROCESS TOO HOT’. 3200iSeries Indicators 10.2.2 Example 2 10.2 Behaviour of Alarms After a Power Alarm configured as Absolute Low; Blocking: Manual Cycle Latching The response of an alarm after a power cycle depends upon the latching type, whether it has been configured to be a blocking alarm, it's state and the Power Power Power. 3200iSeries Indicators 10.3 Alarm Parameters Four alarms are available. Parameters do not appear if the Alarm Type = None.

The following table shows the parameters to set up and configure alarms. ‘A LARM ’ ALARM LIST Name Scrolling Display Parameter Description Value Default Access. 3200iSeries Indicators 10.3.1 Example: To Configure Alarm 1 Enter configuration level as described. Then:- Do This The Display You Additional Notes Should See Press as many times as necessary to select ‘ALARM ’ Alarm Type choices are:-  none Alarm not configured Press to select ‘A1.TYP’. 3200iSeries Indicators 10.4 Diagnostic Alarms Diagnostic alarms indicate a possible fault within the indicator or connected devices. Display shows What it means What to do about it E.Conf A change made to a parameter takes a finite time Enter configuration mode then return to the to be entered.

3200iSeries Indicators 11. Recipe A recipe can take a snapshot of the current values and store these into a recipe number. There are five recipes available, which can store a range of parameter values for different processes. Each recipe can be given a name using iTools configuration software. 11.1 To Save Values in a Recipe Do This The Display You Should See. 3200iSeries Indicators 11.3 To Select a Recipe to Run Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes Scrolling display R E C IP E L IS T Press as many times as necessary to select ‘r e c i p ’ Scrolling display C U R R E N T R E C IP E N U M B E R . 12.1.2 EIA 485 To use EIA 485, buffer the EIA 232 port of the PC with a suitable EIA 232/RS485 converter.

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The Eurotherm Controls KD485 Communications Adapter unit is recommended for this purpose. The use of a EIA 485. 3200iSeries Indicators 12.2 Digital Communications Parameters The following table shows the parameters available. DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LIST ‘comm s’ Name Scrolling Parameter Value Default Access Display Description Level none MODULE Comms identity No module fitted As order Conf IDENTITY code L3 R/O r232 EIA 232 Modbus interface r485. Note that in common with accept continuous writes. Many third party lower cost units, the Eurotherm Rx A(+) Rx A(+) 2200 series and the 3200 series prior to version 3200i V1.10 do not accept continuous writes to the.

It is possible to read floating point data in a native 32 For further information see 2000 Series bit IEEE format. This is described in the Eurotherm Communications Handbook Part No. HA026230 Series 2000 Communications Handbook (HA026230), which can be downloaded from Chapter 7. 3200iSeries Indicators ADDR Instrument Comms Address 12.5 Parameter Modbus Addresses PV.OFS PV Offset C.Adj Calibration Adjust Parameter Parameter Name Modbus Instrument mode Mnemonic Address 0 – Operating mode - all (Decimal) algorithms and I/O are active PV.IN PV (Temperature) Input Value (see 1 –.

3200iSeries Indicators 0 – XXXX. OFS.LO Adjust Low Offset 1 – XXX.X PNT.HI Adjust High Point 2 – XX.XX PNT.LO Adjust Low Point STBY.T Standby Type SB.TYP Sensor Break Type 0 – Absolute Alarm Outputs Active 0 – No Sensor Break –. 3200iSeries Indicators K.LOC Allows instrument to be locked via 1104 Comms Module Type 12544 a key/digital input 0 – None 0 - unlocked, 1 – RS485 1 – all keys locked 2 – RS232 2 – Edit keys (raise and lower) BAUD Baud Rate 12548. 3200iSeries Indicators 1.SRC.B IO Channel 1 Source B 12678 3.SENS Output 3 Polarity (0 = Normal, 1 = 12810 Inverted) As IO Channel 1 Source A (Modbus address 12678) Output 3 high 12811 1.SRC.C IO Channel 1 Source C 12679 Output 3 telemetry 12812 As IO Channel 1 Source A. 3200iSeries Indicators 13.

Calibration 13.1.2 To Check mV Input Calibration The input may have been configured for a process All ranges are calibrated during manufacture to input of mV, Volts or mA and scaled in Level 3 as traceable standards for every input type. When described in section 7. 3200iSeries Indicators 13.1.4 To Check RTD Input Calibration 13.2 Offsets Connect a decade box with total resistance lower than The process value can be offset to take into account 1K and resolution to two decimal places in place of known errors within the process.

The offset can be the RTD as indicated on the connection diagram applied to any Input Type (mV, V, mA, thermocouple below before the instrument is powered up. 3200iSeries Indicators 13.3 Input Calibration Display If the calibration is not within the specified accuracy Reading follow the procedures in this section:- High offset In 3200 series instruments, inputs which can be (e.g. 6) Factory calibrated are:- calibration. mV Input. This is a linear 80mV range calibrated at two fixed points.

3200iSeries Indicators 13.3.1 To Calibrate mV Range 13.3.2 To Calibrate Thermocouple Ranges Calibration of the mV range is carried out using a 50 Thermocouples are calibrated, firstly, by following the milli-volt source, connected as shown in the diagram previous procedure for the mV ranges, then below. 3200iSeries Indicators 13.3.3 To Calibrate RTD Ranges The two points at which the RTD range is calibrated Do This Display View Notes are 150.00Ω and 400.00Ω. From any display Scrolling display Before starting RTD calibration: press as many ‘ C A L IB R A T. 3200iSeries Indicators 13.4.2 To Return to Factory Calibration 13.4 Output Calibration Select Configuration level. Output 3 (or outputs 1 or 2 in 3216i) may be configured to re-transmit the PV as an analogue, 0- Then 20mA, 4-20mA or 0-20V, 4-20V signal. 3200iSeries Indicators 13.5 Calibration Parameters The following table lists the parameters available in the Calibration List.

CALIBRATION PARAMETER LIST ‘cAL’ Name Scrolling Parameter Value Default Access Display Description Level U C A L USER To calibrate the 5 L3 only IDLE point linerisation CALIBRATION. 14.2.2 Configuration Clip may be necessary for you to download the IDM from the Eurotherm web site. The file will be of the format A Configuration Clip is available with iTools by id32iv107.exe, where id 32i is the instrument and V- quoting part number 3000CK in the iTools ordering - is the software version number of the instrument. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.3 Starting iTools Open iTools and, with the indicator connected, press on the iTools menu bar. ITools will search the communications ports and TCPIP connections for recognisable instruments. Indicators connected with the configuration clip (CPI), will be found at address 255 regardless of the address configured in the indicator. When the instrument is detected a screen view similar to the one shown below will be displayed.

3200iSeries Indicators 14.4 Configuring the Indicator Using the Wizard To open the Wizard press Next on the pop up or press from the iTools view. The indicator will be set to configuration level. Since it will not operate the process in configuration level a warning message appears. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.4.2 To Configure Alarms Up to four alarms are available in 3200 series indicators. Set the type of alarm, latching mode, blocking, threshold and hysteresis from drop down menus.

Help text is shown together with a pictorial representation of the alarm operation. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.4.4 To Customise Messages The message which scrolls across the indicator display during normal operation may be customised.

Select the ‘Messages’ tab. In this example the message ‘SHUT DOWN’ will be displayed if both Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 are active.

Operation Action Indication. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.4.5 To Promote Parameters The list of parameters which are available in operator levels 1 or 2 can be changed using the ‘Promote’ wizard. You can set the access to Read Only or Read/Write Select ‘Promote’ tab. Highlight a parameter. Select the level of access you wish to be available to the available to the operator and whether it should be Read/Write or Read only. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.4.6 To Set Up Recipes There are five recipes available, which can store a range of parameter values for different processes.

Select the ‘Recipe’ tab Recipe Definition Select ‘Recipe Definition’ tab to display the default parameters available to be stored in recipe. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.4.7 To Customise the Display Press the ‘Display’ tab. The operator display in this example will be green and display PV. A customized static message, up to 9 characters long, may be displayed on the instrument when one particular event is true. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.5 Configuring the Indicator Using the Browser Views Press (if necessary) to put the indicator into configuration level. 14.5.1 To configure the Input Open the parameter list by double clicking INPUT in the browser or selecting ‘Parameter Explorer’.

Select input type from the drop down. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.5.3 To Customise Messages In this example the alarm 1 message will read ‘TOO HOT’. Press and select the ‘Message Table’ tag Select Parameter ‘ALARM1 #1’ In the ‘Message Condition’ area change ‘Message’ to SHUT DOWN Press ‘Update Device Flash Memory’ button In the example shown below Alarm 2 message has also been configured to ‘TOO COLD’. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.5.4 To Promote Parameters In this example the parameter ‘OP1.Sense’ is added to the to the Level 2 list. Press and select the ‘Promote Parameters’ tab Highlight the position where you want the new parameter to be placed Press button and from the pop up window select the required parameter.

In addition to the built in standard linearisation tables, custom tables can be downloaded from files. Press Select the lineariastion table to be loaded from files with the extension.mtb.

Linearisation files for different sensor types are supplied with iTools and may be found in Program Files Eurotherm iTools Linearisations Thermocouple etc. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.7 To Set up Recipes 14.7.1 Example:- Set Two Different Alarm Thresholds and Store in Recipes 1 and 2 Set an alarm threshold e.g 300. Select ‘RECIPE’ in the browser In RecipeSave, select the recipe number e.g. 1 Set the alarm threshold to another value and save in Recipe 2 In RecipeNumber choose the recipe to run. 3200iSeries Indicators 14.8 Summary Press to display the terminal connections for the functions which have been configured together with a summary of each function.

A summary of the features configured may be selected using the ‘Summary’ tab. Part No HA029006 Issue 5.0 Sept-12.

3200iSeries Indicators 14.9 Cloning The cloning feature allows the configuration and parameter settings of one instrument to be copied into another. Alternatively a configuration may be saved to file and this used to download to connected instruments. The feature allows new instruments to be rapidly set up using a known reference source or standard instrument. Every parameter and parameter value is downloaded to the new instrument which means that if the new instrument is used as a replacement it will contain exactly the same information as the original. CE, cUL listed (file ES7766), Gost, FM, (1) Calibration accuracy quoted over full ambient operating EN14597TW approval number TW1222. Range and for all input linearisation types. (2) Contact Eurotherm for details of availability of custom Transmitter PSU downloads for alternative sensors.


Auto or manual latching, non-latching, event only Digital input A/B Output Up to four conditions can be assigned to (B not in 3216i), A not on 32h8i with SG or SD) assignment one output Contact closure Open 600Ω Closed.