Cvs Apply Patch Command Line

Creating patches using CVS. Furthermore it may lead to 'outdated' patches (which don't apply correctly to the latest version of the. The command accepts. Mar 23, 2009 How do I apply a patch to Drupal to my personal copy of Drupal? I don't have CVS installed on my server, and I don't have command line access.

  1. Linux Patch Command
  2. Apply Patch On Navel

How to Prepare a Patch How to Prepare a Patch How-Tos Using Cocoon Documentation Contribution Prepare patch Overview A 'Patch' is the set of differences between two versions of the same file. Patches are used to send someone the exact changes that you have made to your version of a program or a document. They can then apply that patch to their version to merge the changes and bring their version up-to-date with your version. As our example we use the contribution of a simple documentation patch for the Apache Cocoon project.

The principles apply to any project and to any type of file, e.g.xml,.java,.txt Intended Audience Anyone who wants to contribute to a project. This document addresses the basics, so as to get new people started. Our example describes the use of command-line tools for a UNIX system. Other tools can be used, as long as they produce a 'unified diff' Prerequisites Contributers should have:. The source code of the documents as a local working copy of the CVS repository.

If you are working with the current CVS HEAD then you will have already done a 'cvs checkout cocoon-2.0' (see ). However, see below for other ways of obtaining source for diff comparison. The tools with which to prepare a patch.

On UNIX the 'cvs' program has the 'cvs diff -u' command. Steps Here is how to proceed. Understand what a patch is A 'Patch' is the set of differences between two versions of the same file. A patch comprises one or more 'diff' files. These diffs are produced by the program of the same name: diff.

Linux Patch Command

Here is an example of a single diff for the Cocoon Contribution page, where we are suggesting a minor text change. Do not get frightened.

These are just human-readable instructions to the 'patch' program. Index: contrib.xml RCS file: /home/cvspublic/cocoon-2.0/src/documentation/xdocs/contrib.xml,v retrieving revision 1.7 diff -u -r1.7 contrib.xml - contrib.xml 30 Apr 2002 07:44:52 -0000 1.7 contrib.xml 26 May 2002 04:08:23 -0000 @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ to create a patch. (The commands are for Linux.) - + This will checkout the current copy of the master cvs repository and That is a 'unified diff'.

There a some lines of context on each side of the changes. This patch is basically saying 'Change the text on line 208'. lines to be deleted are preceded with -. lines to be added are preceded with +. contextual lines with no leader remain the same 2.

Modify your document and ensure consistency Let us now go though the process of preparing that patch. Go ahead and edit your local copy of the document at $COCOONHOME/src/documentation/xdocs/contrib.xml Ensure that it is valid XML using your favourite XML editor or an external validating parser. Please do not leave it up to the poor committer to fix broken XML. Run build docs to be sure that links are not broken and that the new document is presented as you intend it to be.

Get ready If you are using the HEAD of CVS then ensure that your working copy is up-to-date. Of course, if you are using a previous public release version of Cocoon, then it is already up-to-date. Generate the differences Prepare the diff file.

CVS will contact the remote repository, ensure that your working copy is up-to-date, then compare your local copy with the master repository. +-$WORK/cocoon/patch +-howto +-book.xml.diff. Differences to book.xml to link the 2 docs +-howto-new-topic-a.xml. A complete new document +-howto-new-topic-b.xml.

Cvs Apply Patch Command Line

A complete new document +-link +-livesites.xml.diff +-books.xml.diff 6. Describe the patch Prepare a brief explanation of what your patch does.

Get this ready in a text file before you go to Bugzilla. See further hints about this in the 'Description' section of the How-to Bugzilla. What version of CVS did you patch against? Was it HEAD branch? Was it a nightly build?

Was it a public release? Submit via Bugzilla To contribute your patch to a specific project, use Bugzilla - The Apache Bug Database.

The procedure is explained in. Real World Extension Multiple diffs in a single patch A patchfile can contain the differences to various individual documents. For example, the following command does that. Cd src/documentation/xdocs cvs diff -u contrib.xml userdocs/concepts/sitemap.xml my-patch.diff However, be careful not to go overboard with this technique.

Often it is better to produce individual diffs and then pack them all into archive. When producing multiple diffs in one patchfile, try to limit it to one particular topic, i.e when fixing the same broken external link in various pages, then it would be fine to produce a single diff.

Consider the committer - they will find it hard to apply your patch if it also attempts to fix other things. Other ways of obtaining source for diff comparison Ideally you will prepare your patches against a CVS repository. There are other ways to do this. They do create more work for the committers, however it may be the only way that you can do it. We would certainly rather receive your patch however it comes. You could get the source document via the web interface to CVS. Here are the steps.

Mercurial apply patch

get the. save the file to your local disk:./contrib.xml.orig. create a copy of the file:./contrib.xml. make your modifications and validate the XML. use the 'diff' command (i.e. Not 'cvs diff') as follows diff -u contrib.xml.orig contrib.xml patch/contrib.xml.diff. proceed as for Step 5.

There is another method if all else fails. You could save the public HTML page that was generated by Cocoon (currently static) and then prepare your diffs against the HTML source.


This is obviously much harder for the committer, and should only ever be used for minor text edits. Here are the steps. save the relevant web page to your local disk:./contrib.html.orig. create a copy of the file:./contrib.html.

make your modifications and view the page with your browser. use the 'diff' command (i.e. Not 'cvs diff') as follows diff -u contrib.html.orig contrib.html patch/contrib.html.diff. proceed as for Step 5. Hidden expedition smithsonian castle.

Tips. Please review your diffs before you submit your patch to Bugzilla References. The UNIX manual pages ' man diff' and ' man patch'. CVS usage information is at and your local ' info cvs' pages or ' man cvs' pages or user documentation. This includes guidance about using cvs diff -u Copyright © 1999-2002 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Warning: Patching is something that should never be done on your production site unless you first have a complete backup of your site, including the codebase and database; and you have tested that backup First. While patching itself is relatively easy, it is important that you fully understand that a patch can possibly lead to the loss of data and/or site instabilities. In fact, the ideal way to proceed is to download a backup of your production site, make a second copy of it on your computer, and test the second backup on your computer to make sure it works, and that you know how to do it. Then, patch that test site, test the patch results, and then upload the changes to your production site. This page only deals with some basic principles using the command line utility patch. Patch can be found on most UNIX systems and is included in the packages UnxUtils and Cygwin for use on Windows. There is also a.

Provided that the patch was made relative to the root directory of the concerned project, navigate to that directory (using cd). For a patch on Drupal, that will be the Drupal directory; for a contrib module or theme, that is the root directory of the project. Once there, issue the command: You can use Git to apply a patch to a project's repository: git apply -v path/file.patch You can also use -index setting to track modified files: git apply -v -index path/file.patch If you are not using git, or if the repo isn't a local checkout of the project you wish to patch: patch -p1.

Wikipedia has a comprehensive entry on patch including history and usage: If you're wondering what the p parameter is for; from the man pages for patch at: -pnum or -strip=num Strip the smallest prefix containing num leading slashes from each file name found in the patch file. A sequence of one or more adjacent slashes is counted as a single slash.

This controls how file names found in the patch file are treated, in case you keep your files in a different directory than the person who sent out the patch. For example, supposing the file name in the patch file was /u/howard/src/blurfl/blurfl.c setting -p0 gives the entire file name unmodified, -p1 gives u/howard/src/blurfl/blurfl.c without the leading slash, -p4 gives blurfl/blurfl.c and not specifying -p at all just gives you blurfl.c. Whatever you end up with is looked for either in the current directory, or the directory specified by the -d option. Contains a list of all parameters for patch.

or to post comments. When I run patches I usually run into a problem where the patch seems to mess up my site. However the problem comes from the fact that I have SELINUX enabled. When I run the patch it changes the security context for the patched file and it need to be reset. I usually get an error message something like this: PHP Fatal error: requireonce function.require: Failed opening required 'modules/node/' To change the context of the patch file go to that folder and run 'ls -Z' to view the context of the files in the folder. Next copy the context from a file that was not patched to the patched files like this: chcon

or to post comments. Hello Fred, I'm new in Drupal and I'm really getting lost.:) I need to apply this to a production site. I have read the article-tutorial in your comment but I still don't get how to proceed. So far is clear that I have to create a run.php file (and delete it afterwords).

Here are my doubts: - Where should be placed the run.php file? In the main directory? Also if my Drupal is located in domain-name/drupal? - How do I apply this with the tutorial you mentioned? I would be very thankful if you can just point me out the right way:) Thanks a lot!. or to post comments. Now that Drupal is using git, there are some different methods to apply patches: If the patch was made using 'git diff' and the patch is to be made on a git clone of the module concerned, then the patch should be applied with the command 'git apply patchname' If the patch was made using 'git diff' and the patch is to be made on an unpacked tarball, then the patch should be applied with the command 'patch -p1.

Apply Patch On Navel

So features has this new patch I want to apply. Can you run patch on a remote file?

I know that copying the above patch into a file, transferring that file to my server, then running the patch command is easy, but I'd really like to just be able to run: patch /var/www/mysite/sites/all/modules/contrib/features/features.module. Note: git apply will fail to do anything when used within a local checkout of a git repository. For those who has no patch command and git apply does nothing. The solution is: Let's modify the patch file! I tried all of this GUI tools named here, but no success.

Then i discovered free tool Aptana Studio. In 'Project workspace' click right at patch, and Team- Apply patch. No errors, no setup of stupid repository folder, and reverse option is there, in case you need it. Some people use Aptana for everything for web, i use Adobe DW. Aptana has one simple option, that made all other tools not work with some patches, 'Ignore leading path name segments'. I dont know why, one path had a/, and b/ in the beginning of paths, and that made other tools spit errors, and not proceed.

Maybe it was just my lack of experience with patches. Anyway Aptana was most easy for me, and it is full blooded code editor too. Completely free, and regularly updated. or to post comments.

Save the.patch file to your local computer (doesn't matter where). Look in the.patch file and figure out where in the directory hierarchy it's supposed to be applied to. In your Projects pane right-click on that folder and select Tools - Apply Diff Patch. Or if your project has a Git repo set up you can choose Git - Patches - Apply Diff Patch.

Pretty sure there's no difference. If it tells you 'The patch cannot be applied in the selected context.' Then you chose the wrong folder to apply it to. Typically if it's a patch for a module or theme then you're going to want to right-click the base folder of that module or theme. You're done!. In NetBeans 8.2. But it should be the same in other versions.

or to post comments.