Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation Of The Quran Pdf

On April 4, 1872, ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘A1i was born in a family of the Bohra community in Surat, India. His father, a merchant, was a very religious man who made sure that his son learned Qur’an before anything else. Upon the completion of young ‘Abdullah’s committing the entire Qur’an to memory, his father celebrated the occasion with a grand banquet, thus showing to his son the importance of his achievement and the importance of the Qur’an. In addition to studying contemporary knowledge at school, ‘Abdullah continued to receive lessons in Arabic language and never ceased in his studies of the Qur’an. He was a superior student who excelled in academic achievement and won the much coveted Indian Civil Service Award, a prestigious honor resulting from the extremely competitive entrance examinations for high positions in the Indian Civil Service which wealthy families would aspire for their sons to receive. ‘Abdullah was easily able to absorb English literature and was considered to be among the best of his fellow countrymen in writing English.

Quran yusuf ali arabic and english pdf Holy Quran pdf download Abdullah Yusuf Ali, ArabicEnglish, with commentary. Text with English translation and Tafseer commentary.

Many of the most well-known scholarly magazines in India published his works and expressed their appreciation for his beautiful literary style. Later, ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali left India for Europe and visited many European capitals and eventually resided in London for a considerable period of time.

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Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation Of The Quran PdfListen to the quran

Listen To The Quran

Contents. History Ali began his translation in the 1920s, after he had retired from the Civil Service and settled in the United Kingdom. The translation was first published in 1934 by of, India (later ), one of the major Islamic publishing houses still in business today. The original translation was in its third edition at the time of Ali's death.

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf (1934). The Holy Qur-ān: English Translation & Commentary (With Arabic Text) (1st ed.). Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore: Shaik Muhammad Ashraf. Ali, Abdullah Yusuf (1938). The Holy Qur-an: Text, Translation & Commentary (3rd ed.). Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore: Shaik Muhammad Ashraf. Preface to First Edition, Lahore 4 April 1934 Gentle and discerning reader!

What I wish to present to you is an English Interpretation, side by side with the Arabic Text. The English shall be, not a mere substitution of one word for another, but the best expression I can give to the fullest meaning which I can understand from the Arabic Text. The rhythm, music, and exalted tone of the original should be reflected in the English interpretation. It may be but a faint reflection, but such beauty and power as my pen can command shall be brought to its service.

I want to make English itself an Islamic language, if such a person as I can do it, and I must give you all the accessory aid which I can. — Page IV, A. YŪSUF ‘ALĪ, 1934 Preface to Third Edition, 1938 Since I last greeted my readers collectively I have been able to perform the Pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca and the sacred territory around it and seen with my own eyes the city and territory of Medina, with all the country around and between the holy Cities. I have realised for myself the scenes in which the revelations came which I have humbly sought to interpret.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation Quran Pdf

I hope that some glimpses of this experience will have been conveyed to my dear readers. — Page VII, A. YŪSUF ‘ALĪ, 1938 Saudi sponsorship In 1980, the Saudi religious establishment felt the need for a reliable English translation and exegesis of the Qur'an to be made available for the increasing English language readership across the globe. After researching the various translations in print at the time, four high-level committees under the General Presidency of the Department of Islamic Research chose Yusuf Ali's translation and commentary as the best available for publication. After significant revisions, including several which changed the original to better match the Sunni political agenda, a large Hardback edition was printed in 1985 by the King Fahd Holy Qur'an Printing Complex of, according to Royal Decree No. This edition served as the officially sanctioned English translation of the Saudi religious establishment, until it was replaced by the translation upon the latter's arrival in the marketplace. Amana editions The translation established its pre-eminent position in the North American market when Amana Publications of reprinted the original edition in 1977, retitling it as The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an.

Miracles Of The Quran


Originally printed in paperback in two volumes, it was consolidated into a single hardback edition in 1983. In 1989, Amana introduced a revised 'New Fourth Edition' featuring revision of the translation and commentary—again with politically motivated 'corrections'—undertaken with the help of the. The New Revised Amana print is currently in its 11th edition, dated May 2004. Of UK released an 'English Only' hardback edition in 2005, which features both the translation and commentary without the accompanying Arabic text. It is based on the Revised Amana edition with some additional revisions by the Foundation's own editorial staff.

Alleged anti-Semitism San Diego assistant professor Khaleel Mohammed has described the translation as 'a polemic against Jews' citing content in its footnotes. In early 2002 the ordered the book removed from school libraries. References.