Excel File Using Ajax

In this article, we will learn how to read posted Excel file from AJAX, using NPOI DLL in our ASP MVC Application. In this article, we will learn how to read posted Excel file from AJAX, using NPOI DLL in our ASP MVC Application.

  1. Ajax Multiple File Upload
  2. Ajax Send File To Server
  3. Create New Excel File Using Vb
Ajax file download

Ajax Multiple File Upload


Ajax Send File To Server

In this article, we will learn how to read posted Excel file from AJAX, using NPOI DLL in our ASP MVC Application.

Create New Excel File Using Vb

I'm still puzzled though. My understanding is that Ajax is just a way of forming and sending a request. Once it's sent, that's it. The server forms the response and sends it back to the browser.

Is there something unique, such as a header, in the response that says 'this response is intended for the Javascript engine, not the HTTP rendering engine'? There must be some way that the browser knows the difference. I know I'm getting into technical details that aren't really pertinent, but I'm one of those people that has to understand how everything works. Maybe there is a technical specification on Javascript that I need to read?